An individual membership is only $10.00 annually, families are just $20 or you can choose additional membership levels to receive member incentive gifts.

Becoming a  SAAWA member keeps you in touch with current projects and developments through the SAAWA newsletters and emails. In addition, you will receive a Clean the Lake decal to show your support of clean water in our community. 

Your support is vital to SAAWA efforts to keep the community informed about lake cleanup efforts and projects, funds weed harvesting in St. Albans Bay as well as other lake improvement projects.

(Our membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th.)
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working to restore Saint Albans Bay
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St. Albans Area Watershed Association | P.O. Box 1567, St. Albans VT 05478 | email:
St. Albans Area Watershed Association | P.O. Box 1567, St. Albans VT 05478 | email:
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Join SAAWA Today!
SAAWA meetings 
are normally held 
on the 3rd Wednesday 
of every month
at 5:30 p.m. 

Location varies. Please email for directions.
Join SAAWA today to add your voice to our group, working toward restoring the health of St. Albans Bay. (Use the dropdown menu to select your membership level.)